Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Workin' on my night cheese

We switch to night shoots tomorrow, which means we may go a little vampire crazy in the next few days, but there's good news -- our first day off is this Sunday! I plan on Skyping the crap out of you people.

Grocery shopping is an epic journey these days: pounds and pounds of deli meats and cheeses, dozens of Vitamin Waters, cases of classic Mountain Dew and Dr. Pepper, satchels of Big League Chew and cartons of Camels. We're nourishing an adult summer camp, one turkey-and-American-cheese sandwich at a time.

Before I leave you with Phoebe's awesome sun-hat, I'd like to share a choice quote toward the end of the evening:

"Does anybody else just wake up in the middle of the night and just eat cheese, and then go back to sleep? Like, just grab a handful of shredded mozzarella and just eat it?"

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