Saturday, September 4, 2010

"This is where part of 'Wedding Crashers' was filmed."

The crew's all here, 2/3 of the cast is here (the last third coming in the next week or two), and Anne's making fajitas for dinner. I got to watch my first episodes of "Yo Gabba Gabba" for the first time ever with Phoebe. She's like, 18 old, right? She's awesome.

We also did some test footage with the camera. Don't ask me what it is, but I think Robin Williams' character in Death to Smoochy said it best -- "It's small, but it's fierce!" Granted this camera is not a penis, but I contend that the reference still applies.

Principal photography starts tomorrow. After the read-through last night and camera tests today, I'm really jazzed and determined. Yes, I just typed "jazzed" on purpose. I'm stickin' with it.

In case you missed it on our Facebook page, here's a little taste of one of the locations. Of Chris musing. And Marco magicking.

-- Priscilla

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