Friday, September 3, 2010

Let's make a movie in the woods or "I hope Neil Young will remember".

We're out in a rural part of Maryland to make a movie called Waterhole Cove. The location is beautiful and it's getting me pretty excited. There's not a lot for me to do yet so I spend my time walking the grounds. It's peaceful. It kind of feels like I'm at camp, I mean, I'm assuming this is what camp would be like because I never actually went to camp.

Here are some things I remember about today.
  1. We went to town to get supplies and then stopped to get ice cream. In the back of the ice cream shop they were selling a bunch of halloween decorations, one being maybe the most terrifying witch I've ever seen.
  2. The whole group of us sat down for a delicious spaghetti dinner which was topped off by the most depressing fortune cookies I've ever encountered.
  3. Wild turkeys roam the property we're shooting on. They refused to move out of the way of our PT Cruiser.
  4. I went running in a pair of really short green shorts. Halfway through my run I started thinking about the ending of Easy Rider, got scared and turned around.
  5. "Even Flow" was on the radio.
That's it for now. I promise these will get better.

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