Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Waterhole Sneeze-town USA

We're still not entirely sure what is causing the mass allergic reaction, but we're popping Benadryl like Tic-Tacs before a hot date from OKCupid. Then it's ol' Waterhole Sleepy-town.

Dear Makers of Benadryl,

Please remove the mini-sedative you've so ingeniously infused into your product. We'd like to work during the day AND not sneeze and die. We can go without sleep. We're like monstermothrobots.

Please and thank you,
Waterhole Cove Residents

Did you know that we're shooting next to an offshoot of the Choptank River? Did you know that this offshoot of the Choptank River is home to crabs AND JELLYFISH!? What? Furthermore, when you disturb the water at night, you see some sort of bio-luminescence. Brett and Diego contend that it's just the stars' reflections, but I say they're full of lies. I was there. GLITTER in the water! No jellyfish, though. They must have been at the Tiki Bar, downing Maker's Marks and Cokes.

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