So I spent most of the day asleep. I woke up in the afternoon, had a sandwich and a Benadryl, went back to sleep, then got up at 6pm. After our night breakfast, we got to work on scene 90, which involved an outdoor campfire. When it was time to start setting up, I overheard this:
MARCO: "Who's gonna build the fire for the next scene?"
BRETT: "Unsure. I was gonna Google search how to build a fire."
I believe Mike ended up going to Walmart for some starter logs and the crew was setting up the fire for a few hours, which involved erecting lights several yards away and putting a triple setup of the Heppe flickering firelight simulator between the actors and the actual fire. It looked amazing. While we waited, Brett put on a 1978 James Toback movie called Fingers, starring Harvey Keitel as a loan shark enforcer/concert pianist. He carries a boombox and plays loud music everywhere he goes. This movie was pretty dope. I hope it will influence Waterhole Cove in some way.
We spent most of the night shooting scene 90. There was smoke blowing in our faces the entire time, so we inhaled a lot of that. We frequently stopped to reshape the fire, or move faraway lights, or tip over a sailboat that I don't think we were supposed to tip over. Also, Priscilla, who is obviously super pretty, was forced to deal with the reality that when the camera frames her face from a certain angle, her neck looks weird. Not even that weird, really. Just, to put it the way Brett and Marco were saying, like her head was Photoshopped on to her body. Despite this, and the fact that she was freezing for hours, she maintained good humor throughout. Anyway, I think it was all worth it. Brett brought us out some night cheese at one point. And I got a walkie talkie, with my name on it and everything. The shittiest part is that the wind never stopped blowing, so all the sound we recorded is just reference for the ADR that will have to take place in a few months. I hope the actors remember all the subtleties of their performances!
When the scene was done, everyone was rewarded with DIY sandwiches. Chris and Priscilla took a 1-hour nap while Brett and I watched the end of Fingers, then the beginning of Fingers with commentary. Then Brett woke them up and we prepared for scene 94, which was shot on the dock during the magic sunrise hour between 6 and 7am. Brett nabbed only one take each of three setups, which was all he needed. That is the advantage of working with actors who are hella hella good. Tip for young filmmakers-- if an actor is crappy, don't use them in your movie! Use ones like these.
I think it's fair to say Brett has been deliriously happy with the footage he's been getting. Editing this movie will be like a nonstop orgasm. And watching it will be like... I can't think of anything better than a nonstop orgasm. Can you? I guess even an orgasm, if experienced forever, would be like torture after a while. How bout this-- after a few hours of the orgasm, you smash your hand with a hammer, and the sensation in your body gets redirected to the new pain, which feels kinda good. What was I talking about?
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