It has been nine months since the last entry (16 months total since the shooting of Waterhole Cove).
In that last entry, I talked about how Chris and Priscilla did some Waterhole Cove ADR while they were in town to shoot a short film for Andrew W. Jones called Doctor Glamour. I didn't see them very much during this time. It was only after Doc Glamour wrapped that I learned the entire film had been shot in a soundstage which was walking distance from my apartment in Glendale. On the week I had completely off work because it was spring break. I suppose I just wasn't wanted on set. That's too bad, because I could've held so many flags for them, at no charge.
(If you don't know, flags are things on film sets. They help with lighting and stuff. They are held up by c-stands or p.a.'s.)
For real though, it's not a big deal; I just like to see Chris and Priscilla. I didn't really know them in film school. Now that I do, we live on opposite ends of the world. I've become closer friends with Chris over the past few years, but I only see him when we work on movies together. It's so sad that some people live far away from each other and that's it.
When September 2011 rolled around, one year after the Waterhole Cove shoot, lots of things started reminding me of that time. "On this day" status updates popped up on Facebook. I would find myself listening to lots of 90's dance music, inexplicably. Maryland was perpetually in my thoughts. I think I also cut my hair short again. I don't know. It was kind of not-short for a while. It's short again now. Like in my scene in the movie. That was not my best haircut because that was the first haircut I ever gave myself with those clippers. Whatever.
That brings us to today. After a months-long struggle to find the right sound, the film finally has a musical score by the maestro Phillip Chernyak, and Brett is nearing the final sound mix with Willie. Brett is also uploading new behind-the-scenes videos for each shooting day on the YouTube, but unlike the previous BTS vids of each day, each one is of multiple vids of that day edited together, plus footage from the actual film. We're also shooting some interviews with ourselves. Chris shot an interview with Phil in NY a few days ago, and earlier tonight in LA, Brett shot some interviews with Carl and me. Carl was good, but I stunk up the joint. I had a really off day today and it destroyed my ability to tell a fucking story in a casual, eloquent way. Don't you just have days when your shit is all fucked up, and you just want to forget that day ever happened? Try not to have someone shoot important videos of you on that day. Because then everyone will watch those videos and think you're an idiot. Anyway, you could make a killer special edition dvd with all this bonus material. I never know if I should capitalize DVD. dvd. DVD. Both look wrong.
The Waterhole Cove Facebook page is now extremely active as Brett posts the new BTS vids to ramp up to the film's official release, which is happening within the next couple weeks. People can pay ten dollars for the digital download, and for an additional five, they can get a physical copy on dvd/DVD.
I don't know what'll happen with the movie after that. Maybe some festival screenings. It would be nice to have a big screening in NY or LA or whatever that everyone can attend. That would be an amazing ending to our journey together. At least until I shoot the sequel, which was conceived while we were still shooting. Let me see if I can remember.
Waterhole Coven is supposed to revolve around the Dolly character sometime after the events of WC1. Like, Jim's girlfriend tracks her down, and something happens with witchcraft. I think it's gonna be like a fucked up horror vibe. A mega departure from the tone of WC1. Completely unrelated to the unpleasant half-hour pilot, "Harry's House," or the feature-length Harry prequel, which was never titled.